282 Fundació Uriach 1838

Enric Huguet in memoriam


Last May 2024, Enric Huguet, one of the pioneers of illustration, advertising, and graphic design in our country, passed away at the age of 95.
Born in Barcelona, Enric Huguet trained at the Official School of Applied Arts of Barcelona between 1942 and 1947. In 1957, he founded the Glosa Graphic Studio, dedicated to pharmaceutical advertising, in partnership with J.M. and E. Boada within Ediciones Glosa. He was also part of the founding group of graphic designers of FAD, now ADG/FAD, and in 1963, he began his teaching career as a design professor at the Massana School.
His work has been published in magazines and yearbooks of countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Spain... and his work is exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona, Museum of Pescia (Italy), Gallery of the Library of Congress in Washington, Poster Museum in Warsaw, Museum of Berlin, and Museum of Brno (Czech Republic).
Between 1961 and 1992, he worked for Uriach, creating works for products such as Pacium, Lipograsil, Trimetabol, Furantoina, and Gestadramnia, among others. Some of these works were highly notable, earning him the Laus Award in 1973.