285 Fundació Uriach 1838

Closing Conference of the Master's in Nutrition and Metabolism


On June 20th, the Patron of the Uriach Foundation, Javier Navarro, gave a lecture titled “Natural Health. An Emerging Market with Professional Opportunities” as part of the closing events for the Interuniversity Master's in Metabolism and Nutrition at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
The event took place in the Aula Magna of the Catalonia Campus of the URV and also featured the participation of Ms. Anna Arola, Representative of the URV Master's program; Mr. Joan J. Carvajal, Dean of the URV; Mr. José Antonio Fernández, Coordinator of the UB Master's program; and Ms. Maribel Matheu, Secretary of the Faculty of Chemistry.
The participation of the Uriach Foundation in this event is a recognition of the great work that the Uriach Chair of Nutraceuticals is carrying out, especially in its direct relationship with the Master's in Nutrition and Metabolism, through annual scholarships and awards, as well as the involvement of Uriach collaborators as professors in the master's program, among other activities.