278 Fundació Uriach 1838

III Jornadas Nutracéutica. CUdN


The Uriach Chair of Nutraceuticals organizes the "III Nutraceutical Days on Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals". The main purpose of these days is to present the most recent advances in bioactive compounds, functional ingredients, and nutraceuticals, and to promote the meeting of scientists to facilitate the discussion of the latest results obtained in this field.
These days are part of the activities carried out by the Uriach Chair of Nutraceuticals, whose purpose is to promote knowledge of Nutraceuticals in the educational, professional, and social spheres through the promotion of dissemination activities, teaching, and research that allow the progress and development of this discipline.
The event will take place on March 7 and 8 at the Centre Tarraconense El Seminari in Tarragona and is open to undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students, as well as to various professionals related to bioactive compounds, functional ingredients, and nutraceuticals, including both technical personnel from the food and nutraceutical industry, as well as pharmacists and nutritionists.
The two previous editions have positioned these days as one of the most important events in this field, and they can be followed live through the chair's website: https://www.catedranutraceutica.urv.cat