277 Fundació Uriach 1838

Exposición"trementinaires. Entre montañas y remedios"


In light of the celebration of International Women's Day, the Uriach Foundation has prepared the exhibition "The Trementinaires: Between Mountains and Remedies" to highlight the figure of these brave and entrepreneurial women who, between the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, dedicated themselves to distributing natural remedies throughout Catalonia to support their families.
In today's society, the trementinaires symbolize the connection with nature and the importance of preserving traditional knowledge. Their memory inspires the resurgence of natural medicine and interest in more natural holistic health practices.
These women are an emblem of female empowerment, reminding us of women's capacity to lead, innovate, and sustain communities with their knowledge and skills.
Their influence also extends to the appreciation of our biodiversity and the conservation of ecosystems, crucial aspects in the current context of the fight against climate change. A legacy that promotes and exemplifies the necessary return to roots, sustainability, and gender equality in our society.
This exhibition will be located at the Uriach facilities in Sant Cugat del Vallés from March 4th to March 15th.