212 Fundació Uriach 1838

Available the new issue of the magazine "Farmacia, Medicina e Historia"


This October a new issue of the journal "Farmacia, Medicina e Historia"has been published, which includes the winning work and second prize of the L Uriach Foundation Award for History of Medicine:
- “El sistema hospitalario catalán entre 1880 y 1986: el predominio de lo privado sobre lo público” by the authors Jerònia Pons-Pons and Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez. Winning work of the L Uriach Foundation Award for "History of Medicine".
- "La cuestión de los “Días críticos” en la medicina renacentista: el caso de Francisco Bravo (Sevilla, c.1525-México, c.1595)" by the author Mía Menéndez Mota. Second prize of the L Uriach Foundation Award for "History of Medicine".
You can check the number on our website by clicking on the banner of the home page, entering the publications section or through the digital reader Issuu (www.issuu.com), where you can also find previous copies of the magazine.