260 Fundació Uriach 1838

New acquisition Historical Library of Health Sciences


The Foundation has recently acquired four new publications that have been incorporated into the collection of the Historical Library of Health Sciences.
Matthioli Senensis, Andreae Petri. Apologia adversus amathum lusitanum cum censura in ejusdem enarrationes et peistolarum medicinaliumlibri V. Basileae: Typ. Joh. Rodolphus Genath, 1674. 236 p.
Suárez de Ribera, Francisco. Cirugía sagrada método experimental racinal, que contra la pragmática apolínea de el doctor don Antonio Francisco Portichuelo y Zea, saco a luz su autor… Madrid: Imp. Francisco de el Hierro, 1726. 28 h.+ 392 p.
Horta, Pedro de. Informe medico-moral de la penosissima, y rigorosa enfermedad de la epilepsia. Madrid: Domingo Fernandez Arrojo, 1763. 284 p. 
Among them, the first Latin edition of the work stands out:
Hieronymi Tragi de stirpivm, maxime earvm qvae in Germania nostra nascvntvr, usitatis nomenclaturis, proprijsq[ue] differentijs, necq non temperaturis ac facultatibus, commentariorum libri tres. Argentorati: excudebat Vuendelinus Rihelius , 1552. [68], 1200, [64] p. : il. ; 4º ; 24 cm.



This first Latin edition of 1552 edited in Strasbourg is considered a rare work. Its author Hieronymi Bock was a German Lutheran botanist, physician and minister who initiated the transition from medieval botany to the modern scientific worldview by organizing plants by their resemblance and has been considered one of the founders of modern Botany.