245 Fundació Uriach 1838

Available the new number of the magazine "Farmacia, Medicina e Historia"


his July a new number of the magazine "Farmacia, Medicina e Historia (Pharmacy, Medicine and History" has been published, which includes the winning work, second prize and a Work recommended by the jury of the LII Uriach Foundation Prize for "History of Medicine":
- “Los tratamientos psicoanalíticos a los homosexuales en Chile (1952-1957)”. D. Marcelo Enríque Valenzuela Cáceres. 
- “Innovación quirúrgica, clínicas privadas y beneficencia pública: hacia un nuevo modelo asistencial en la ciudad de Valencia”. D. Xavier García Ferrandis. 
- “Hazañas Bélicas” oncológicas”. D. Santos Enrech Francés. 
You can consult the number on our website by clicking on the banner on the home page, entering the publications section or through the Issuu digital reader (www.issuu.com), where you can also find previous issues of the magazine.