210 Fundació Uriach 1838

L Uriach Foundation Award "History of Medicine"


Last October 8, 2019, the Uriach Foundation Prize "History of Medicine" was awarded.
The meeting was held at the Equestrian Circle of Barcelona and it was attended by the members of the jury: Ms. Ana Maria Carmona Cornet, Mr. Àlvar Martínez Vidal and Mr. Jon Arrizabalaga Valbuena who acted as secretary.
Javier Uriach Torelló, the Foundation vice president assited aswell.
After successive qualifying votes, the L Uriach Foundation Prize was awarded to the work "Inquisition and medicine, new contributions on the life of the Valencian Judeoconverse physician Lluís Alcanyís ca. 1440-1506 (Inquisición y medicina, nuevas aportaciones sobre la vida del médico judeoconverso valenciano Lluís Alcanyís ca. 1440-1506)", whose author, once opened the plea turned out to be D. Federic Aparisi Romero, residing in Gandía. The second prize was awarded to the work "Medical pluralism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries from the processes of canonization (El pluralismo médico en los siglos XVII y XVIII a partir de los procesos de canonización)", whose author, once opened the plea, turned out to be Dª. Laura Guinot Ferri, residing in Valencia.
With the publication of the jury minutes, the call for the LI Uriach Foundation Prize "History of Medicine" opens. Its bases will be published soon on the Foundation's website.